Introducing Info Hub Me InfoHubme

About ReadGroofy

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Our Story

Our story started with the love of reading by the J-girls as early as 18 months, leading to their many quests for cultural related literatures. However, our story does not necessarily reflect the wider communities. I have observed that children, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds and communities, do not have access to initiatives that will support their creative and writing skills.

With this Infohubme initiative - ReadGroofy, I hope to not only support the children in developing more interest in reading other materials, by the millions of authors out there, but motivate them to write and published their written manuscripts. Infohubme will be an information hub centre for children to understand their cultural heritage, built-up with information literary and educational materials that will expose them to their heritage.

Who we are

Inspire Heritage

Infohubme is a social enterprise start-up organisation that provides literacy, innovation and creativity services to Edinburgh and its environment. Our goal is to inspire creativity and educate children about their cultural heritage. Infohubme will be one of the few innovative plans in Scotland to bridge the gap between the level of literacy in our community and caring for kids. Our online platform ReadGroofy aims to prepare its children to excel as young leaders of tomorrow by combining an exclusive cultural-based curriculum tailored specifically for children.

kids playing with cultural costumes

Who we are

Inspire Heritage

Infohubme is a social enterprise start-up organisation that provides literacy, innovation and creativity services to Edinburgh and its environment. Our goal is to inspire creativity and educate children about their cultural heritage. Infohubme will be one of the few innovative plans in Scotland to bridge the gap between the level of literacy in our community and caring for kids.

Mission: The purpose of our existence is to challenge the barriers created by the pre-existing knowledge of their cultural awareness through literary. Therefore, encourage cultural diversity, inclusivity, and equality

What we do

      • Building literacy network.
      • Friendships, acceptance.
      • Building Cultural awareness and confidence.
      • Multi-Cultural Children’s Science Network.
      • Writing and publishing their books.

Why we do

Research tells us that children from disadvantaged homes are often not ready to learn to read due to the impact poverty has on how their brains develop. Feb 2020, The Sun wrote an article stating a BookTrust study that “nearly 350,000 primary school pupils spend less than 15 minutes a week reading outside the classroom leading to concerns over ‘literary poverty.” To a solution to these growing concerns, we created Infohubme – Information Hub for Me. 

How we do

We give kids the:

      • Power of reading
      • Power of storytelling
      • Power to bring family and friends together
      • Skills of reading together
      • Self and others awareness 
Reading is a luxury
Dr Martha Burns


Registered in 2020, Infohubme is a social enterprise start-up organisation that provides literacy, innovation and creativity services to Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, and the rest of the world. Our goal is to inspire creativity and educate children about discovering culture.

Our outreach is to partner with families, communities, and governments to promote goals toward child attainment levels through our organisation’s activities. To make a difference by raising literary and cultural awareness with kids, building well-rounded kids.

Vision: We envision a world where every child will be literate and cultural awareness of another to accept, tolerate and befriend each other.

Mission: The purpose of our existence is to challenge the barriers created by the pre-existing knowledge of their cultural awareness through literary. Therefore, encourage cultural diversity, inclusivity, and equality.

Infohubme - Acronyms

  • I – Integrity
  • N – Nourish
  • F – Fun/Creativity
  • O – Optimism
  • H – Humanity
  • U – Upright.
  • B – Brave
  • M – Motivated
  • E – Empowerment

Readgroofy Acronyms

  • R – Respect
  • E – Empathetic
  • A – Adaptive
  • D – Distinguished
  • G – Gregarious
  • R – Resilient
  • O – Observant
  • O – Openhearted
  • F – Focused
  • Y – Yourself

Our Values

Our innovate initiative that seeks to raise better self-awareness and authentic kids. Raise emotional competence kids. Increase all around academic excellence. Promotion of cultural assimilation and acceptance with local communities. Reduce and remove the stereotypes. New possibilities such as learning new languages, traditional dance.